I’m a huge fan of street art and street performing. From murals to graffiti to buskers, there’s something wonderful about this most accessible of art forms. There’s the art itself—wild, untamed, ephemeral, and evolving outside of the often stuffy confines of an art gallery. But there’s also the discovery—the excitement of turning a corner and stumbling upon a piece of art that moves you.
That’s the sort of discovery I want to help enable with this project. Our completely unreasonable goal: try and map all of the murals in the Los Angeles area.

There are thousands of murals and they are changing all the time, so it it’s likely impossible to ever fully reach this goal. But my hope is that by mapping as much as we can, we can help make this incredible public art accessible to as many people as possible and introduce them to all of the amazing artists who have contributed to this vibrant scene. Additionally, I hope to add artist interviews to the site to provide additional background and inventive to the most popular and inventive pieces.
Today you can browse the site by map, filter by neighborhoods, search by mural name, and even search for murals within a specific radius of your location. Plus, if you come across a specific mural you love while browsing you can get walking directions to it directly from your phone.
Ultimately, to pull this off, I’ll need help. I need volunteers willing to snap photos of new or existing murals they see in their neighborhood that aren’t on the site or to ping me when a mural has been replaced. I’ll be reaching out to artists as well for interviews so if any artists see this page — reach out and let’s chat! I can be reached at brandon [at] lamuralmap.com.
And a special shoutout to Eric Brightwell for his similarly ambitious neighborhood mapping project which both gives me hope that crazy, hyperlocal ideas like this can work and has been an incredible resource in setting up this site. I’ve used his wonderfully detailed map to tag each mural to the correct neighborhood.
Thank you for visiting and please spread the word!

Brandon Stewart, Editor